Ethical behaviour code of the employees of “Chimimport” Plc
Art. 1. This Code defines the rules for behavior of the employees of “CHIMIMPORT” Plc and aims at specifying the norms for ethical and professional behavior in all aspects of their activity, at avoiding the possibilities for allowing acts of bureaucracy, corruption and other illegal actions in order to raise public trust in their professionalism and morale and approve the prestige of the company.Art.2. (1) The work of the employees of “CHIMIMPORT” Plc is subject to the principles of legality, loyalty, professionalism, responsibility and accountancy.
(2) The employees of “CHIMIMPORT” Plc fulfill their official duties competently, objectively and conscientiously by strictly observing the requirements set in their job descriptions, and the legislation of the Republic of Bulgaria, cooperating with their entire behavior to increase the trust of company’s shareholders and the interest of new potential investors.
(3) With a view to the public status of “CHIMIMPORT” Plc, all company’s employees, depending on their functions, are subject to the established rules of corporate management by observing the company’s internal acts, perform their official duties precisely and professionally, aiming to improve the effectiveness of work to the interest of company’s shareholders.
(4) The employees of “CHIMIMPORT” Plc follow such a behavior which does not harm the prestige of the company, not only in pursuance of their official duties, but also in their public and personal life.
Art.3 (1) In pursuance of their official duties, the employees of “CHIMIMPORT” Plc behave kindly and respectfully toward each shareholder of the company, as well toward each person who shows interest in the company, and within the framework of their official function explain their rights or direct them to the respective competent employee.
(2) The employees of “CHIMIMPORT” Plc show respect and responsibility toward the Financial Supervision Commission, the regulated securities market, where the shares of the company are traded, the Central Depositary, the financial analysts, the economic and other media, and all participants on the capital market in the Republic of Bulgaria, by showing the necessary assistance within the framework of their official functions.
(3) The assistance under the above mentioned paragraph is done in compliance with the requirements of the operative regulation.
Art. 4. (1) The Investor Relations Director, as an employee of “CHIMIMPORT” Plc, whose basic function is to make an effective connection between the governing body of the company and its shareholders on the one hand, and the persons interested to invest in the company’s securities:
1. provides complete information to these persons about the current financial and economic standing of the company, as well as any other information which they are entitled to by law in their capacity of shareholders or investors.
2. is responsible for the timely sending of all the necessary reports and notices of the company to the commission, the regulated market where the company’s securities are traded, and the Central Depositary under the conditions and time limits set in the legislation; is responsible for sending, within the legally stated terms, the materials for a general meeting to all shareholders, who have requested to be acquainted with them;
3. assists the Financial Supervision Commission, the Bulgarian Stock Exchange, as well as journalists and financial analysts, in explaining particular facts and circumstances contained in the published information about the company, when such an assistance has been required;
4. necessarily assures him/herself, that the information given to the shareholders and investors, financial media and analysts is true, by giving this information on the principal of equal treatment;
5. answers comprehensively and clearly all the questions, put by company’s shareholders concerning its financial results, as well as its entire activity and gives additional explanations if necessary;
(2) The Investor Relations Director of “CHIMIMPORT” Plc performs his/her duties impartially and objectively, while treating all shareholders of the company on the principle of equality, independent of the number of owned shares, their nationality, racial or ethnic affiliation, age, gender, political and other convictions.
Art. 5. (1) The Investor Relations Director of “CHIMIMPORT” Plc gives information about the financial and economic results of the company and its entire activity also to the financial media and analysts interested in such information, and if necessary makes additional explanations.
(2) In his/her communication with financial media and analysts, the Investor Relations Director has no right to show personal bias and preferences, as he/she gives all the information about the company by observing the requirements for equal treatment of all interested persons.
Art. 6. (1) The employees of “CHIMIMPORT” Plc perform their official duties professionally and responsibly, not allowing their personal interests or outer factors to influence the quality of performing the assigned work.
(2) All employees come to work on time, in a condition, which allows them to fulfill their official duties and responsibilities, not drinking alcohol and taking other opiates during work time and they use this time only for performing the assigned work with the necessary quality and within the time fixed.
Art. 7. (1) The employees of “CHIMIMPORT” Plc are obliged to follow the hierarchy of internal organizational relations set in the company by strictly observing the internal acts, the orders of their direct manager and the management of the company, and not to hinder the other workers and employees from fulfilling their duties.
(2) The employees of “CHIMIMPORT” Plc are not obliged to fulfill unjustified orders, when they contain obvious law-breaking.
(3) The employees of “CHIMIMPORT” Plc discuss the problems they face in the course of work with their direct managers or the governing body of the company.
Art. 8. (1) The employees of “CHIMIMPORT” Plc do not allow to be placed under any financial dependence or other commitment by outer persons or organizations, as well as they do notdemand and accept presents, services, money or other benefits, which may influence the performance of their official duties.
(3) The employees of “CHIMIMPORT” Plc cannot accept presents or benefits, which could be perceived as a reward for doing work, included in their official duties.
Art. 9. (1) In performing their official duties, the employees of “CHIMIMPORT” Plc preserve the entrusted technical resources and materials with proper care and do not allow their usage for personal purposes. In case of loss or damages of entrusted property, the employees are obliged to duly inform their direct manager.
(2) The employees of “CHIMIMPORT” Plc do not disseminate confidential information and keep the good name of the company, while all the information, including the personal data within the meaning of the Personal Data Protection Act to which they have an access in their capacity of employees of the company, is used only for performing their official duties while observing the rules for protection of information.
Art. 10. The Investor Relations Director of the company performs his/her duties with due diligence in a way, which he/she reasonably considers as being in the interest of all shareholders of the company by using only information, which he/she reasonably considers as reliable and complete, by showing loyalty to the company within the meaning of the Public Offering of Securities Act.
Art. 11. (1) In performing their official duties, as well as their public relations outside the working place, the employees of “CHIMIMPORT” Plc maintain such a behavior, which does not harm the dignity of personality and the authority of the company.
(2) The employees of “CHIMIMPORT” Plc keep within the bounds of decency and the business look in clothing, corresponding to their position.
Art. 12. The employees of “CHIMIMPORT” Plc cannot take part in activities which are incompatible with the generally accepted principles of ethical behavior and could harm their professional authority or the prestige of the company.
Art. 13. The employees of “CHIMIMPORT” Plc, depending on their positions, cannot perform activities, which are legally specified to be incompatible with their duties and responsibilities as employees of the company, and cannot receive profit from such activities.
Art. 14. (1) In the relations with their colleagues, the employees of “CHIMIMPORT” Plc show respect and correctness by not allowing behavior, which harms the dignity and rights of the particular individual, and acts of discrimination.
(2) The employees of “CHIMIMPORT” Plc respect the opinion of their colleagues and show consideration to their right of personal life.
(3) All employees of the company take into consideration their hierarchical subordination within the framework of the established inner structure, by not allowing misappropriation with their official positions, expressed in exerting pressure or harassment in any form towards subordinate employees.
Art. 15. When the professional or official contradictions between colleagues cannot be solved by them, they request assistance on the part of their direct manager.
Art. 16. (1) A conflict of interests is in being when the personal interests of employees, their relatives or people with whom they have close personal or business relations differ from the interests of the company.
(2) The employees of “CHIMIMPORT” Plc endeavor to avoid any situations, causing conflict of interests, and in the event that such situations occur – they make efforts to discontinue them by informing their direct manager.
(3) In assigning an official task, whose fulfillment may cause a conflict between the official duties and their personal interests, the employees of “CHIMIMPORT” Plc shall duly inform their manager.
Art. 17. (1) The employees of “CHIMIMPORT” Plc cannot use their official position to realize their own personal or family interests.
(2) The employees of “CHIMIMPORT” Plc do not take part in any deals, which are incompatible with their position, functions and duties.
(3) The employees of “CHIMIMPORT” Plc who have left the company should not abuse of the information which they have become familiar with in relation to their position or the functions they have performed.
Art.18. (1) Internal information is any specific information, which is not published, concerning directly or indirectly “CHIMIMPORT” Plc or one or more financial instruments issued by the company, if its publishing may turn out to crucially influence the price of these financial instruments or the related to them derivative financial instruments.
(2) Internal persons are all persons, who work for “CHIMIMPORT” Plc under a labor or civil contract or have a constant or incidental access to internal information, directly or indirectly related to the company.
(3) With a view to prevent the possibility of abuses with internal information and manipulation of the financial instruments market, all the internal persons are obliged to observe the covenants of the Law on Measures against Market Abuse with Financial Instruments in relation to keeping and not-spreading such information, the prohibitions for manipulation on the financial instruments market and other manipulative actions and deals, the prohibitions for trading with such information.
Art.19. (1) The employees of “CHIMIMPORT” Plc are obliged to preserve the data and personal information of all persons, which has been made familiar on the occasion of performing their official duties.
(2) All employees of the company restrain from disseminating and using for personal needs any confidential information for “CHIMIMPORT” Plc.
Art. 20. In the event of non-observance of the norms of behavior in this Code, the employees bear disciplinary responsibility according to the Labor Code.
Art. 21. During the initial entering on duties, the Human Resources Manager is obliged to familiarize the employee with the covenants of this Code.
This Ethical Code of behavior of the employees of “CHIMIMPORT” Plc was accepted by the Management Board of the company on Dec. 28th, 2006.