about us


Chimimport Plc owns 100% of the share capital of CCB Assets Management JSC through its subsidiary Central Cooperative Bank Plc, which during the fourth quarter of 2011 acquired 500,000 dematerialized, ordinary and registered shares with right to vote, having nominal value of BGN 1.00 each.   

Scope of Activity

CCB Assets Management JSC was established as a management company on November 22nd, 2006 and holds a license № 61-UD dated 10.01.2019 under a Decision of the Financial Supervision Commission № 42 - UD dated 17.01.2007.  The company is managing four mutual funds with different risk profile.

CCB Leader Mutual Fund

CCB Leader is a fund suitable for investors with an aggressive investment strategy seeking higher income for their savings while taking moderate to high risk.

Investments are made primarily in shares accepted for trading on regulated markets in Bulgaria and abroad. The fund can invest also in debt financial instruments and money market instruments mainly with the purpose of maintaining liquidity in times of market disruptions.

CCB Private Mutual Fund

CCB Private is a fund suitable for investors seeking higher income for their savings while taking moderate to high risk.

Investments are mainly shares accepted for trading on regulated markets abroad, which are expected to distribute dividends regularly, as well as in units of other collective investment schemes and other collective investment undertakings, licensed and operating abroad, and distributing dividends/income. The fund may also invest in other shares, debt financial instruments, fixed income instruments, money market instruments. Dividend income received by the Fund is distributed in favor of the holders of units in the Fund, after deducting the expenses and in the manner and under the conditions provided in the Rules of the Fund.

CCB Active Mutual Fund

 CCB Active is suitable for investors with a balanced investment strategy, seeking stable income and moderate growth of their savings while taking moderate risk.

The investment policy of the fund envisages realization of capital gains from shares and dividend earnings, as well as current income from debt securities, instruments of the money market and other financial instruments accepted for trading on regulated markets in Bulgaria and abroad.

CCB Garant Mutual Fund

CCB Garant is suitable for investors with a conservative investment strategy, seeking stable income for their savings while taking low risk.

Subject to investments are primarily high-quality bonds, other debt securities and money market instruments, accepted for trading on regulated markets in Bulgaria and abroad.

The main goal of CCB Garant is to preserve the value of the shareholders’ investments and also to ensure stable increase while taking minimal risk.

Advantages of mutual funds

  • High investment liquidity - Investors can receive the cash equivalent of their units in the fund at any time through the redemption of units;

  • Tax relief -The income from investments in mutual funds is exempt from tax under Bulgarian law;
  • Asset Allocation - The Funds invest in a large number of financial instruments in different spheres of the economy and geographic regions, leading to optimization of the risk;

  • High return - It is possible to achieve a higher profit rate than another type of savings and to keep finance from inflation;
  • Security - Purchased units of the funds are a direct property of the investor that is inherited;
  • Transparency - Daily information for the value of the units of the mutual funds is published on the website of CCB Assets Management www.ccbam.bg and www.investor.bg. So every day, the investors could see how much their money has become.

The mutual funds managed by CCB Assets Management are offered in the offices of Central Cooperative Bank Plc, indicated in the Prospectus for the respective fund, on the basis of a signed distribution contract. An exception applies to "CCB Private", which is available only at the office of "CCB Assets Manager" EAD.


Investors should keep in mind that the value of the units and the income from them may decrease, profits are not guaranteed, there is a risk for the investors not to recover the full amount of the investment. The investments in units of the fund are not guaranteed by a guarantee fund or otherwise. The future performance of the mutual funds is not necessarily linked to the results of previous periods.