"CCB-SILA" Celebrates 30 Years in Pension Insurance in Bulgaria

POAD "CCB-SILA" - the first pension insurance company in Bulgaria, is celebrating its 30th anniversary this year. The company was established on February 7, 1994, and over the past three decades, it has successfully developed and established itself as a symbol of security and stability for its clients, as well as a trusted partner with a good reputation in professional circles.

"CCB-SILA" manages three main pension funds: a universal fund for those born after December 31, 1959, a professional fund for those working in the first and second categories of labor, and a voluntary fund for the formation of an additional voluntary pension with personal contributions and/or contributions from the insurer. The company also manages a fund for the payment of lifelong pensions and a fund for deferred payments, from which pensions have been paid to individuals from the universal pension fund since October 2021. Clients of the professional pension fund have been receiving pensions since 2019, and "CCB-SILA" has been paying pensions from the voluntary pension fund since March 1996.

"For the next 30 years, we will continue to strive to work diligently for the satisfaction of our clients in managing their savings and paying out pensions. Another important goal we set at 'CCB-SILA' is to increase our market share by attracting more insured individuals to the three pension funds. We believe that the number of retirees receiving pensions from the funds managed by 'CCB-SILA' will continue to grow," shared the company's CEO, Georgi Todorov.

Today, the pension insurance company has a stable market presence, focusing primarily on the well-being of its clients and providing them with high returns on their invested funds. The funds of the insured individuals are professionally invested and in compliance with legal regulations. On the occasion of the company's 30th anniversary, Kiril Chervenkov, CEO of POAD "CCB-SILA," expressed his pride in the achieved results, the hundreds of thousands of satisfied clients who have entrusted their additional pension contributions to the managed funds, and his optimism and faith in the future development of the pension insurance company.

"POAD 'CCB-SILA' has provided quality service over the years, with care for all insured individuals in our three pension funds, as well as responsible management of the funds entrusted to us," added Mr. Sava Stoynov, Executive Director of the pension insurance company.

As of December 31, 2023, the company boasts over 403,000 satisfied clients and over 2 billion BGN in managed net assets in the pension funds, according to the Financial Supervision Commission (www.fsc.bg).